Friday, July 25, 2014

Jessica's Pet Photography....

I have a pet photography business...I also am an interior designer, artist, etc....I have many ETC'S in my life...but, have always been blessed by doing what I love as a career choice.

This is Maggie, who was rescued from a puppy mill.  She has spent seven years in a box, had no teeth, and was terrified of everyone and everything.  My friends, Cam and Jim, rescued her, and she became a Princess. She was full of love and life, and her family loved her.  Everyone who met Maggie loved her.  She's gone on to the Rainbow, but I am so glad to have the privilege of photographing her.
 This is "Beau", a fierce, large German Shepherd - really.  But, Beau had his "happy side"...used to having lots of children pile on, but would chase the poor meter reader....
This is "In Like Flynn" and Mama.  I don't limit myself to photographing just kitties and dogs...I love to do all sorts of pets, including these beauties.
This is my favorite subject of date...our rescue, "Little Missy", aka, Mistletoes, Misty Toes, Ms. Toes...I think shes a beauty.
She's become very used to having a camera in her face...
Lucas' first Christmas at home...a feral kitty, rescued, and after several, painful surgeries, he had his reward...his very own tree (to knock over at his leisure)...He has new owners, and is a very pretty, happy boy.
He prefers to be referred to as "Handsome"
"Mistletoes" in Sepia
"Lissa" in her garden 
Man, and His "best friend"
Sometimes, they make it so easy...Miss Gussie.
"Wilma Jean Cathoufly" (she was a southern kitteh)
"Sunshine, Roses, a Bit of Lace, and Kitty"
Proud owners, proud Mama
 I do pro bono work at the Humane Society shelter when I can..sadly, 90 per cent of all cats brought in are destroyed...Please, spay, neuter and adopt.
Another shelter kitty....
It helps to "spiff them up" and hopefully, get them adopted.
This was my "Gussie", just before she passed.  She loved lying in the window on her "puppy rug"
Raisenette Funicello Buttafuco (he head butted pillows and people and such). As Ogden Nash said, "When called by a panther, don't anther".
No, this wasn't a posed shot....Texas is hot...and this was a squirrel we named Jesus, (Heysus)in spainish...we named him this as the plant was a "Crown of Thorns"...not all portraits are paid and posed...:)

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