Tuesday, April 7, 2015

A New Season, and Another "Stage" in Life

'Tis the season....Spring, that is, when we have almost forgotten the ice storm last month (other than that tree in our lake), and the piles of limbs all over our property.  We are in line for the tree people to come and chop it up, take down damaged trees, and restore the serenity of our wooded lot on the lake (Canterbury).
Although, as I write this, buckets of rain are pouring down, with more rain for the next few days, I hold fast to the promise of flowers, budding trees, and sunshine.
 For those of you who are putting your home on the market, now is the best time....blooming trees aside, there are things that you can do now (even while it is raining) to prepare for opening your home to potential buyers.

As a designer, I often watch HGTV...I am astonished by how much some very modest (read small and ugly) homes are selling for in an undisclosed location.  We sold a home last Summer, and got what we wanted, but had that same home been where those were showing, we would have gotten so much more.  I am also shocked at the condition of the homes when  a Realtor shows it.  There are unmade beds, dishes in the sink, horrid, garish colors on the walls, dirty carpeting, cramped, out-dated kitchens, and untended shrubs and lawn outdoors; which is known as "curb appeal".

Now is the time to sort through each room, and have boxes ready...yard sales not only get rid of clutter, they bring in some extra money (which you can use for paint - the least expensive way to freshen a home).

People are often willing to look past the counter tops that aren't granite, but they cannot even see the counter tops (which are not damaged and are free of stains).
 You may not have rid your kitchen of the wallcovering (I suggest you do, but having done that in our previous home, I know how much time and effort it is...but, it will be worth it). But, at least clean up the counters, and arrange pretty vignettes...these are hiding ugly outlets - they are a necessity in a kitchen, but, especially, in an older home, they are just ugly.
Remember those kitchens done in the 80's that had the desk at the end of the cabinet, that actually was a repository for mail, keys, and just plain clutter? Try turning it into a place to show off a bit of silver (don't show your home without a Realtor present), and a tongue-in-cheek salute to Paris. 

In a perfect world, your kitchen would look like this. I designed this  kitchen (did the entire home from top-to-bottom) . This was a few years ago, but I was a bit ahead of my time, as the trend of all stainless steel appliances is shifting to appliances that are incorporated into the cabinetry.  The refridgerator is on the left, the dishwasher on the right. Not only are people tired of the finger prints all over stainless, they are enjoying the fact that it's a room, not a group of appliances.  I did stage this room, as well.  Just a simple trug, filled with fresh vegetables, or perhaps, fruit is enough for this kitchen.
 Six dollars worth of tulips in a fan vase can really bring an early Spring into your home.  If you don't have a fan vase, that's fine...any pretty vase will do.  These lasted a week, as changing the water daily will encourage freshness.
 When you get that call from your Realtor that they are showing your home, make sure you set up a pretty table.  (Never leave candles burning if you are not there...).  And, if you are not selling your home, but want to brighten your day on a gloomy, rainy day, use your "Spring" dishes (I have a large collection...it's a weakness) and table ware.  You can pick up inexpensive dishes, place mats, napkins, etc. a places like TJMaxx, Marshall's, and Target. 
About curb appeal, I was walking my trusty dog, Missy, and passed several homes with "for sale" signs in the yard.  Some had several, mismatched pieces of porch furniture, crowding one another...some had shrubs that hid the front of the home, and some just needed to have a few touches; such as some lovely, potted plants, a table or a freshly-painted front door.  Guess which ones will appeal to a buyer?
Now, it is time to end this and go back to my seed-starting for my vegetable and flower garden....Spring waits for no one.