I did the colored-pencil drawing, (about the third try in this medium), and a wonderful friend and fellow Art Guild member did a great job on the rest of it....Had it not been for her, I would have lost it before I finally did lose it. I think I now have it back....
Do you think God punishes you, if you happen to bring a few of your neighbors (we live in a resort area, and these people only come during the summer...they leave their leaves -live on a lake in the woods- all year round, which blow into our property..these were right on the line, and yes, God, I did liberate them. I just couldn't help myself..I never stepped on their property...honest.
I started this painting awhile back....and am determined to enter it in the show....does the subject matter look familiar? I've never attempted reflections before, so it is a challenge, along with chairing the show, and my list from earlier (do you detect the scent of burning martyr?)...
Having no formal training in oil painting (or any other medium, other than some photography courses years ago) can make things challenging, but, I find that if I don't get too frustrated, and put some classical music on as I paint, and look at some really helpful (and not so helpful) tutorials from You Tube...along with a little help from my friends, it's actually fun....I feel sorry for people who say, "Oh, I can't draw, paint, write, whatever"...they don't know until they've tried...and tried... and tried...
This is my mother-in-law in (as it says on the poster - I believe it was for a beauty salon) 1946....what a beauty...she still colors her hair, puts on her make up, and dresses beautifully...it saddens me that she is now in pain, and it's getting worse...it also shows me that beauty is truly skin deep..she's still beautiful in my eyes.
My mother was also beautiful, but, sadly in March of 1985, she passed away at the young age of 60, which is why I'm saying...be grateful for the privilege of growing old...not preaching here...it's just that, as I said earlier - Things are changing, along with this blog...it's not all about design, or art, or how to make a pillow...it's about living, loving, and appreciation of our friends and each day we have.
Whoa! Just what you needed...a sermon..no, it's just me...muddling through life.
So, don't feel old...put on your party dress, take off your shoes, and run towards life...not away...
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