Monday, August 11, 2014

Floral Designs I Have Done, Known, and Loved

I Love flowers...who doesn't?  I do believe designs should be easy and lovely, not tortured into being something they are not....
Zinnias are my favorites to placing them in front of a mirror, you double the impact.
  Once upon a time, I worked with the Purple Puddle, in Chapel Hill, North Carolina...the flowers and arrangements from there are the best I've seen by far.

I also like to be minimalist sometimes, "less is more" as in....
I can't help but follow the light, and show off how just a few sprigs of sweet peas can be dramatic.
 I usually don't like silk flowers, unless you have to touch them in order to tell if they are real or not...I love these "Teddy Bear" Sunflowers.
Another fine example of silks that I did in Texas.
Fan-shaped vases give you great looks with just a few flowers.
Love glads
Can't wait to have a cutting garden again..grew the cosmos and the zinnias.
Love yellow roses......always have, always will.